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Pioneer Camping: Tips To Success
Pioneer camping is the old fashioned way of camping out. With pioneer camping, there is no fancy camper trailer, air conditioner, electricity, or running water. A person who desires to tackle the challenge of pioneer camping does not have to be an experienced outdoors person. However, basic survival knowledge, such as how much beer, food and water a person needs for a certain number of days, what plants, animals, and insects are poisonous in the area, and how to safely start and sustain a campfire, is strongly recommended. Planning and preparation are the keys to a successful pioneer outdoor experience. Without proper planning and supply preparation, a camping trip can quickly transform into a dangerous, uncomfortable and possibly sober situation.
In the planning process, there are 4 major things to consider when selecting a location: weather, wildlife, water, and laws. The location is important because it will help to determine the different supplies and equipment that may be needed for the trip. Becoming familiar with a camping location can be achieved by searching the Internet, or making a trip to a nearby bookstore.
For an enjoyable experience, I recommend camping in cool, dry weather. When the weather is too cold, heavier clothing, blankets, and heating sources are needed to maintain warmth and survival. When the weather is too hot, extra measures need to be taken to stay cool and comfortable, such as purchasing battery operated fans and setting up a tarpaulin above the tent for extra shade. If the trip is accompanied by an icebox or cooler, the heat will pose a challenge in keeping the beer cold, and hot beer on a hot day is not a good combination.
The joy of camping is being outdoors, but unlike hot and cold temperature, rain can be more difficult to predict. With that considered, it's probably a good idea to assume that rain will be present
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when selecting a tent and making leisure preparations. I suggest a lot of beer, a guitar, and cold medicine should be included in your supplies. Long exposures to rainy conditions can lead to confinement in a damp tent and misery, accompanied by an illness such as a cold or pneumonia. When camping in cool, dry weather, additional gear, extra work, and the chance for illness and sobriety are greatly reduced.
There are many books available, small enough to fit in your pocket, that can help to identify which plants and insects are poisonous. Becoming familiar with the plants, animals, and insects native to a location can be beneficial when camping in the wilderness. Knowing how to identify what is poisonous can help with medical treatment if there is ever an emergency. Basic knowledge of native animals is helpful. If there is ever an encounter with an animal, such as a cougar, bear, or snake, knowing how to respond can be a lifesaving advantage. If fishing is to be involved, knowing the types of fish will assist in catching the fish.
Water is an important factor in pioneer camping. Access to water allows for fishing, swimming and water supply replenishing. Fishing is a fun way to relax, and a fresh catch can make a camping meal complete. However, relying on catching fish for food can lead to hunger. Assuming that no fish will be caught is probably the safest plan, so food preparations should be made. Unless a campsite is located on a campground, a shower may not be available. Portable showers, ranging from a water bag with a spout to a pop up stall with water heating capabilities, can be purchased from an outdoor supply store. Although a desirable status of clean will be difficult to achieve, a long swim in the water will do if no shower is available. I do not recommend drinking directly from any body of water, stream or river. The bacteria in the water may cause upset stomach, leading to a loss of consumed beer and increased dehydration. Consuming beer is your safest option, but if the water must be drank, boiling it will help to reduce the germs and bacteria. Inexpensive water purification systems
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and purification tablets can be purchased at an outdoor supply store as well. Choosing a campsite near water can make the pioneer camping experience more enjoyable.
The local laws governing the campsite should be acknowledged also, for rules and regulations are set to maintain wildlife habitats and populations, as well as the safety and well being of neighboring businesses and homes. Information on the laws can be obtained from the local Department of Fish and Wildlife. Many types of fish have size, weight, and quantity restrictions. For people over the age of sixteen, most states require a freshwater fishing license when fishing with a rod and reel fishing pole. Obtaining a license is a good idea, as fines are expensive.
In some areas there may be a burn ban or burn restrictions. A short telephone call to the nearest fire department can help to avoid any costly fines or damages that may occur. Regardless, safety should always be practiced when starting and maintaining a fire. When the planning process is carefully followed through, an exciting and adventurous time will surely follow.
Supply and Gear Preparation
First and foremost of the supplies is beer. Food and water is greatly recommended also. If a camping trip is to be for the term of three days, one should bring at least a seven day supply of beer, and a five day supply of food and water. Good rations should include, but are not limited to: premium beer, hot dogs, pretzels, and a lot of chips. Including campfire favorites such as marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers will prove to be a good idea also. Camping in the woods sober and hungry is not very adventurous.
A good tent should be included in the list of gear. Tents do not offer much refuge from hot and cold weather, nor are they waterproof, but they do offer refuge from insects as well as direct exposure to the elements. Tents are made from a porous nylon material, ensuring ones beer sweat and beer
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breath can evaporate properly. Some tents come with a waterproof covering known as a rainfly. A rainfly covers the tent, leaving an air space between the cover and the walls, averting water away from the sides. When selecting a tent, always remember if the tent sleeps two, it is barely enough room for one to be comfortable. If the tent is to be shared with another person, a three to four person tent should probably be purchased. In the event that it should rain for a substantial amount of time, both persons
will be able to comfortably consume his or her beer without complications.
Fishing poles and tackle should be included in the gear. Knowing what types of fish are in the water will help to know what kind of tackle will be needed. Beer is a universal tackle that assist with the fishing process. The general rule for artificial baits are as follows: light colored baits are good for dark water, and dark colored baits are good for light water. Raw baits such as shrimp or chicken liver will normally catch most type of bottom dwelling fish. Live baits like worms and minnows are much like raw baits, most fish will eat them, and if all else fails, drink more beer. If one can not catch a fish, at least he or she can catch a buzz.
Cooking utensils and a good knife are a necessity. The required utensils are not extensive. They consist of only a fork and spoon, a pot and pan, and plate and cup. The knife should be good and sharp, for it may be needed for protection from wild animals, as well as cleaning fish. If cooking utensils are unavailable, the empty beer cans can be used to make everything but the plate.
A first aid kit and insect repellent are valuable accessories when camping. A basic first aid kit should contain bandages, antibiotic ointment, and alcohol wipes. Cuts and scrapes can be easily acquired in the wilderness, so a first aid kit is necessary to for preventing infections. Having a bottle of calamine lotion handy is a good idea as well. Calamine lotion will relieve itching and irritation if contact with a poisonous plant has occurred. Insect repellent is a valuable tool in the wilderness. However, if a persons blood alcohol levels are high, this alone may be enough tho keep the bugs at bay.
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Every campsite should be equipped with a campfire. When packing for the trip, a cigarette lighter or a box of strike anywhere matches should be included. If ones fire starting skills are a bit on the poor side, a fireplace log can be purchased. Fireplace logs are a composite of various organic materials, and will burn for several hours. The logs can also help to start a fire if the surrounding vegetation happens to be damp, and the wood for fire is not dry enough to burn. Before a fire is started, some sort of fire pit is recommended. A pit can be made of big stones, logs, or by digging a shallow hole. As mentioned earlier, local fire restrictions should be considered.
Pioneer camping can be an unforgettable event. Stepping outside of modern society can help us to regain a piece of mind that is lost due to everyday stresses, and replenish our appreciation for the finer things in life. As you can see, the required equipment is minimal. With proper planning and preparation, an outdoor getaway is easy. And remember, when participating in any outdoor event, we should all practice being good stewards of the earth and never leave litter behind. Good luck and happy camping!
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